The purpose of WCC’s Testing Centers is to provide a secure environment in which tests can be proctored to WCC students on behalf of their instructors. In addition to tests for WCC courses, WCC Testing Centers serve as proctoring locations (upon request) for non-WCC students needing to complete assessments for outside courses. TEAS testing is available by appointment (see the bottom of the page for full details). For the convenience of students, WCC offers three testing locations: Wytheville, Galax (Crossroads Institute), and Marion (The Henderson).
WCC Testing Center - Wytheville
- Phone: (276) 223-4825
- Students planning to test at the Wytheville campus should check in at the Information Desk in the Student Services 1 Stop located in the lower level of Bland Hall.
- No tests will be started after 3 p.m. All tests must be finished by 5 p.m.
WCC at the Crossroads Institute - Galax
- Phone: (276) 744-4974
- All students planning to test at Crossroads should check in at the WCC Office (1st office to the right after entering through the main entrance) prior to entering the Testing Center.
- No tests will be started after 3 p.m. All tests must be finished by 5 p.m.
WCC at the Henderson - Marion
- If testing at the Henderson, please call ahead to verify availability - Phone: (276) 783-1777
- Students planning to test at the Henderson should check in at the WCC Office (2nd floor of The Henderson building).
- No tests will be started after 3 p.m. All tests must be finished by 5 p.m.
Student Responsibilities
- All students (WCC or other) must present a photo ID in order to take any assessment at a WCC Testing Center.
- Plan ahead to ensure testing arrangements are made in plenty of time prior to due dates.
- Proctor request forms must be submitted to the Testing Coordinator no later than 5 business days prior to the desired testing date.
- Monitor Testing Center hours and arrive in plenty of time to complete testing prior to the posted closing time. Students who are still testing at the time of closing will be required to submit/exit their test.
- Students that arrive within two hours of closing with a test time limit that may exceed the allotted time remaining before a WCC Testing Center closes must sign a Testing Termination Agreement Form.
- Know how to navigate the online learning platform (Blackboard, Canvas, etc.) being used for assessments as well as login credentials (username and password).
- Children are not permitted in the testing area, and child supervision is not provided for test-takers.
- No food, drink, tobacco products, cell phones/electronics, or other personal belongings are permitted in the testing area.
- By signing in to test at a WCC Testing Center, you acknowledge and agree to all terms of the WCC Testing Center Agreement
Any student who feels they may need testing accommodations based on the impact of a disability should contact the disability services office privately to discuss specific needs. Please contact Student Services at (276)223-4102 to establish eligibility and to coordinate reasonable accommodations. Click here for additional information about disability services.
Taking a WCC Test Off-Site
Students who desire to take a test for a WCC course at a testing site other than a WCC Testing Center need to download an official WCC Proctor Request Form before a test can be sent to the approved, external testing site. The official test proctor agreeing to administer the test has to complete the form and return it to the Testing Coordinator. The WCC Proctor Request Form should be sent to or faxed to (276) 223-4861 no later than 5 business days prior to the desired testing date. It is the student's responsibility to plan ahead to ensure testing arrangements are made in plenty of time prior to due dates.
Proctoring Service for Non-WCC Tests
Individuals who need tests proctored for institutions other than WCC need to obtain a proctor request form from the institution through which they are taking their course and send it to or fax to (276) 223-4861 for review. Please note: other institutions will not accept the WCC Proctor Request Form. Once reviewed, WCC will send the form back to the student's institution to obtain the needed testing materials. All proctor requests should be submitted to WCC no later than 5 business days prior to the desired testing date. It is the student's responsibility to plan ahead to ensure testing arrangements are made in plenty of time prior to due dates.
To successfully administer testing at our WCC Testing Centers, faculty are strongly encouraged to complete an official Instructor Transmittal Form prior to administering testing. All Instructor Transmittal Forms need to be sent to no later than 5 business days prior to the desired testing date so that testing information will be readily available at all WCC Testing Centers (for this reason, please email and DON'T FAX).
Placement Testing
Call 276-223-4825 to speak to an advisor.
College Credit Through Advanced Standing
Wytheville Community College recognizes that learning takes place in a variety of ways including work experiences, extensive reading, hobbies or vocational endeavors and other similar activities. The basic premise of the advanced standing process is that program-placed students shall be given the opportunity to earn appropriate college credit when their previous studies, training or life and work experiences have already provided the knowledge, competencies or skills associated with a course. The College’s commitment to this philosophy of advanced standing is coupled with its mandate to ensure standards of academic quality comparable to traditional instruction. Procedures to apply for credit through advanced standing can be obtained from the WCC Admissions and Records Office.
The WCC Admissions and Records Office (Room 214 Bland Hall) will provide a student with a copy of the “Wytheville Community College Credit Through Advanced Standing” booklet upon request, or you can find the advanced standing information here.
Definition of Advanced Standing
Advanced standing is the award of academic credit for subject matter competency that has been gained by previous academic study or occupational experience. This may include, but is not limited to, college credit and advancement based upon individual participation in the Advanced Placement (AP) program of the College Entrance Examination Board; other placement examinations; articulation agreements with other institutions; transfer credit from other accredited institutions of higher learning; training provided by non-collegiate institutions, such as armed forces and service schools; professional certification or experiential learning.
Criteria Governing Advanced Standing
The following criteria apply to all forms of advanced standing:
- To be eligible for advanced standing, students must be currently enrolled in a program at the College.
- Advanced standing must be applied toward a specific program at the College. Non-curricular students are not eligible for advanced standing.
- In order to graduate from WCC, a student must complete a minimum of 25% of the total credits required for the degree, diploma, or certificate at WCC.
- Transfer credit may be awarded for up to 75% of the degree, diploma, or certificate requirements. Credit-by-portfolio may be awarded for up to 25% of the academic degree requirements. In all cases, at least 25% of the academic degree requirements must be completed at WCC.
- Award of credit through advanced standing shall be given, to the extent possible, to courses listed in the current WCC Catalog. In certain instances, advanced standing credit may be awarded for courses listed in the Virginia Community College System Master Course Guide.
- No credit shall be awarded that duplicates earned course credit at the College, at other institutions, or other credit awarded through advanced standing.
- Students may not petition for Credit by Examination for a particular course if they have enrolled (either for credit or audit) in that course, either at WCC or at another institution.
The College reserves the right to place a time limit on prior learning experiences. The College reserves the right to place a time limit for accepting credit for technical courses taken previously at other institutions. The Vice President of Instruction and Student Development, in consultation with the appropriate program faculty, will determine if courses taken more than five years ago can be used in the student’s current program of study.
Students are responsible for providing the College with appropriate official documentation of prior learning. In the case of foreign transcripts, the student must assume the responsibility of having transcripts evaluated by an approved evaluation agency. Students are encouraged to have their foreign transcripts evaluated course-by-course rather than by degree. A listing of agencies that are approved to evaluate foreign transcripts is available in the Wytheville Community College Credit Through Advanced Standing booklet online.
The official transcript shall specify the type of advanced standing, equivalent courses, and the number of credits awarded. Advanced standing credit shall be distinct from earned course credit.
No grades, grade point average, or other indication of academic standing shall be associated with advanced standing entries on the official transcript.
Credit awarded through advanced standing is applicable only to WCC’s curricular requirements. Students are cautioned that credits awarded through AP examinations, CLEP examinations, credit-by-examination, credit-by- portfolio, or other means of advanced standing may not be accepted in transfer by other post-secondary institutions.
TEAS testing for Selective Health Professions Programs Information (click here)